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Mining Technology

Addressing mining activities in a context of sustainability, requires an industry focused on developing efficiently and effectively, but also aware of its environment and being part of a productive chain, as a responsible link with the rest of the components involved, putting people first and then the development of the project.

EMC considers the broader concept of sustainability, which addresses activity, risk management, the environment, communities and the efficient use of their resources. This inspires EMC’s corporate purpose of being about more than gold and aiming to build a better society.

This sustainability allows the company to transcend its value proposition throughout all aspects of the project. EMC will act with the necessary responsibilities which generate an open perception, facilitating the development of future projects.

The principles, which demonstrates leadership, include the involvement of communities; the promotion of avant-garde environmental practices worldwide and the commitment to safety and health of employees and surrounding communities.

The values ​​which allow the development of these principles are based on responsibility, transparency and credibility.

In short, a proposal of mining activity, needs to go beyond the mere extraction of minerals, and include the necessary initiatives to be perceived as a member of the community. EMC intends to consolidate the strength of these factors in every area where their participation will help to take steps forward and establish a more solid and hopeful future for the region.

Environmental responsibility

Responsible Mining is much more than a principle. This is because EMC’s activities are based solely, on the extraction of natural resources, so environmental stewardship is a priority for the Company.

As an organisation, it is the responsibility of EMC to respect the landscape and community. One of the hallmarks of the Company is to maintain a continued effort to achieve sustainable prosperity.

This is not only the result of EMC’s activities but also its methodologies. EMC will use the latest and best technologies available to add value to the natural resources, within strict compliance of the social and environmental regulations.

Social Collaboration

EMC’s work always goes hand in hand with that of the local and regional institutions, working closely with the communities adjacent to Salave, so as to contribute to its positive promotion and evolution.

The mining activity at Salave will mean significant growth and development in the area, creating wealth not only in the form of employment, but also as a generator of activity in all areas. This project is an opportunity for socio-economic revitalisation of the community and its population.

Mining Technology

The technology available to the mining industry has always been a fundamental asset, particularly regarding the rehabilitation of the environment affected by mineral extraction. This industry has been a pioneer in this field so much so that the research and implementation of new techniques produced by the mining industry are used by many other industries today.

Modern mining uses innovative techniques to enrich the mineral reserves it manages; from highly mechanised and high-tech underground methods, with extremely efficient and selective blasting systems, to physio-chemical methods of ore concentration. These methods can achieve efficiencies close to 100%. In turn, this allows waste minimisation at the surface, through mine waste backfilling in mined stopes using up-to-date technologies which ultimately minimise the environmental footprint long after exploitation.

EMC will strive to use the latest and best technologies available to add value to mineral resources at Salave and its adjacent properties, within compliance of the environmental regulations in place.



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